【科技创新】先进水平的生产设科技创新装饰装修装修材料生产经营 |
【kejichuangxin】2019-12-30发表: 先进水平的生产设科技创新装饰装修装修材料生产经营 广东博德精工建材有限公司创立于2002年,秉承科技创新的精工理念,致力于推动世界建陶产业的发展,打造具有国际影响力的科技建陶品牌,以实现人类家居装饰梦想。作为一家中外合资、专业从事新型环保建 先进水平的生产设科技创新装饰装修装修材料生产经营广东博德精工建材有限公司创立于2002年,秉承科技创新的精工理念,致力于推动世界建陶产业的发展,打造具有国际影响力的科技建陶品牌,以实现人类家居装饰梦想。 作为一家中外合资、专业从事新型环保建筑陶瓷研发、设计和生产的国家高新技术企业,博德公司拥有世界先进水平的生产设备,实行国际先进的管理模式,在行业内率先全面通过了iso9001国际质量管理体系认证、iso14001国际环境管理体系认证、ohsms18001职业健康安全管理体系认证、欧盟ce认证、中国首批优质陶瓷产品认证和中国环境标志产品认证等,成为行业科技型建陶企业。 博德公司以科技创新和产品创新享誉业界,致力于高新技术产品的研发。博德已荣获多项国家专利,积累了雄厚的自主知识产权,并先后承担了国家火炬计划、国家重点新产品、国家科技创新基金、广东省重点新产品、广东省高新技术产品等多项国家级、省部级科研项目。博德自主研发生产的精工玉石产品,首创了微晶玻璃陶瓷复合板材生产技术,填补了陶瓷产业空白,开创了一类全新的绿色环保陶瓷产品,实现了中国建筑陶瓷从中国制造到中国创造的历史性跨越,全面推动了世界建陶技术的发展和成熟。 guangdong bode fine building material co., ltd., was founded in 2002, is the national high-tech enterprise and the important base for designing, researching and manufacturing the new and eco-friendly tiles in construction ceramics industry in china. the company adopts advanced production line and implements advanced operation management mode, with the iso9001 international quality management system authentication, iso14001 international environment management system authentication, occupational health and safety management systems specification ohsms18001 and ce certificate from eu. the company owns powerful r&d strength and boasts guangdong provincial enterprise technology center and guangdong engineering technology r&d center at the same time, ranking the top ones in this industry in the aspects of r&d and production level. bode enjoys a good reputation in this industry for its innovation on technology and products, working on national scientific r&d projects like national torch plan, national science & technology innovation fund and national key & new products, etc. the patented fine jade stone product (micro-crystal ceramics compound board) invented by the company is appraised as technological reform of the world of ceramics and becomes the new environmental product in the development of the construction ceramics industry in the world. fine jade stone product is awards many national invention patents, opening the new page for global ceramics industry and achieving the span from made in china to created in china. 博德公司的产品体系丰富,产品涵盖了精工玉石、生态石瓷砖、精工原石、木纹砖、现代仿古砖、精工磁砖、博德内墙砖、精工石材、人造大理石以及石英石十大品类,数百个系列、上千个花色品种,在行业中独树一帜,深受广大消费者喜爱。同时,博德产品还被广泛应用于国内外各种知名建筑工程,成为众多知名房地产企业的长期合作伙伴和优秀供应商。 博德公司建立了完善的市场体系,以创新的产品和专业的服务,构筑了强大的销售网络。在国内,博德品牌旗舰店和专卖店遍布全国各地。在国外,博德的国际代理商分布于世界五大洲数十个国家和地区,博德已经在世界数十个国家和地区进行了国际商标注册,成为一个具有国际影响力的中国建陶品牌。 博德公司一直致力于以科技创造完美的国际品牌,曾先后荣获了中国陶瓷行业名牌、中国建筑卫生陶瓷行业知名品牌、影响中国建筑卫生陶瓷30年30品牌、全国第一批中国陶瓷企业信用aaa级企业和国际质量信用aaaaa级企业等荣誉称号。博德已连续多年荣登中国500最具价值品牌排行榜,品牌价值高达253.19亿元,并荣登亚洲品牌500强排行榜,开启了博德战略发展的新篇章。 博德公司拥有位于佛山三水占地1400余亩的生产基地和位于广东阳西占地约5000亩的生产基地,构筑了广东省省级企业技术中心和广东省工程技术研究开发中心。博德两大生产基地超大的生产规模、现代化的工业装备、领航行业的创新水平、相关多元化的产业布局,勾划了博德百亿蓝图的辉煌远景。 博泽天下,德益四方,精湛技艺,工于品质。博德引领建陶行业步入价值取向和品质标杆时代,推动世界建陶行业的全面发展和进步。 博德生态石产品通过国际抗菌防污双认证,并通过装饰瓷质面材、妙抗保抗菌技术、纳米涂层防污表面处理及其他技术让瓷砖生态、高端、科技。 品牌优势:1、品类:涵盖瓷砖优点。2、工艺:瓷质面材,防污耐磨。3、技术:纹理渗透砖体中,形成自然石材肌理。4、功能:纳米抗菌,生态环保。 博德生态石占据品类、技术、工艺、功能等优势,装饰效果美观,功能瓷砖倡导者。不仅具其他品类瓷砖的优势,比如博德生态石不仅具备抛光砖的超强硬度、耐磨度,还比大理石瓷砖纹理优美,平整度好。相适用风格更多,光泽度柔和。在抗污及美观性上。 bode has always been dedicated to building famous brand with technology in the world. at present, bode owns the brands of bode fine ceramics tile, bode fine jade stone, 15 century.com of rustic tile. the products build the comprehensive product system which ranks among the best in this industry with 4 types like fine jade stone, fine ceramic wall tile, glazed porcelain and rustic tile in dozens of series and hundreds of varieties. bodes products own the characteristic advantage of high-grade luxury,good quality, complete ranges, establishing the strong position and becoming the quintessence of high-end products in the industry. domestic market and oversea market of bode develop rapidly and steadily. the company has established headquarter exhibition center —— bode new world with the total area of 16,000 m2 in guangdong foshan, which is praised as the milestone of construction ceramics exhibition and marketing mode. also bode owns 2 massive production plants, 4.27 million square meters in total size with 24 modern production line. in domestic market, bode has established hundreds of big brand flagship stores and brand franchised stores, formed perfect domestic marketing network. in global market, bode has registered the trademark in over 30 countries and districts, passed the international authentication suck as ce, and established dealers in five continents and agencies in us, japan and hong kong, etc, with its products being sold to over 10 countries and regions including europe, asia, america and australia. bode achieved much in the brand development. it has won honors like national ceramics industry brand, famous brand in chinas construction sanitary ceramics industry, national inspection exempted product, guangdong provincial famous product, guangdong provincial famous trademark, satisfactory product in guangdong, top 30 brands influencing chinas construction sanitary ceramics for 30 years, national first batch of international quality credit aaaaa level and national ceramics enterprise credit aaa level, etc. the company has also been appraised as nongovernmental technological enterprises in guangdong, guangdong clean production enterprise, enterprise contributing to development of construction decoration industry during 30 years reform and open to the world and top 30 enterprises in construction materials industry in guangdong successively. bode brand is one of the most valuable brands in china, which reach 20.83 billion in 2018. bode commits itself to produce high quality products by fine technology and serve the people all over the world by its sense of social responsibility. guangdong bode fine building material co., ltd is dedicated to become one of the top construction ceramics manufacturers in the world, creating construction decoration elements with best performance price ratio for the society. 公司档案 【图】 科技创新kejichuangxin相关"先进水平的生产设科技创新装饰装修装修材料生产经营"就介绍到这里,如果对于科技创新这方面有更多兴趣请多方了解,谢谢对科技创新kejichuangxin的支持,对于先进水平的生产设科技创新装饰装修装修材料生产经营有建议可以及时向我们反馈。 瓷砖相关 科技型科技牌科技名牌创新短板创新技术创新产品创新创新陶业,本资讯的关键词:chiatimenprocat科技创新装饰装修装修材料生产经营tech博德公司stone博德精工建材 (【kejichuangxin】更新:2019/12/30 16:22:34)